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Fancy a freelance get-together?

Updated: Aug 10, 2023

When people think of business conferences, they usually think of big groups of employees all teaming up together to work on some thoroughly uninspiring objectives for the company they work for.

But this image doesn’t represent the whole of the business world, does it?

Many business owners these days are freelancers, sole traders, and entrepreneurs out on their own mission, and their impact on everything from the economy to enterprise isn’t something we (as small business owners ourselves) take for granted. Those people may not represent big companies, but they represent some seriously big impact.

Often, those business brains will gravitate towards other like-minded entrepreneurial folk who have gone it alone, having formed great working relationships with those people thanks to experiences that have thrown them together (membership organisations, social media spaces, cult-level business breakfasts, etc). If you’re one of those people, and you fancy getting together with your best business buds in the name of grabbing some focused time and space to work on your business bits and bobs, The Crown Lodge Hotel in Outwell, Cambridgeshire, has a very warm welcome for you. We’ll provide you not only with the designated space for your day with us, but we’ll also make sure you’re fed and watered throughout, thanks to our Rosette-winning restaurant right here on site.

For co-working or conferences, meetings or meet-ups, or even just a long-overdue catch-up about that networking group you all got kicked out of, you can either come along for the day (as a small group or big gathering), or make a full-on event of it by adding in a Bed, Breakfast and even Dinner option. Go on, treat yourself and your honorary co-workers by adding some relaxation onto the agenda!

Ahhhhhh, a working day spent in a room with people you’ve actively chosen to be with. You don’t get that in the 9 to 5, when you’re invariably and awkwardly partnered with Patricia in Payroll, despite the fact the rift’s never really healed since you accused her of rigging the Christmas Tombola…

Whether you want a midweek mastermind or a weekend retreat, options are always available for you to stay before, stay after, or just stay for the day. Whatever your choice, you’ll find out for yourself why The Crown Lodge Hotel came to be known as ‘the business boutique hotel’ here in Cambridgeshire. Give us a call or drop us a line, and tell us how many of you would like to come along, and what your requirements are for the day. Go on, start mixing some pleasure in with your business, and let us support your business whilst we impress you with ours.

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